Sunday, 15 July 2012

Frumpy and Stale. Brenda, Milton Keynes.

Dear Aunt Maudlyn,

I’m bored of the way that I look, the places I shop and the make-up I use. Do you have any recommendations to spruce up my style?


Brenda, aged 52.

Dear Brenda,

It is as important to decorate yourself as it is to decorate your house. If you don’t make regular changes to remain fresh, people will end up viewing you as a haggard old tramp with no self respect.
If you’re bored of the way that you look, you’re right to spruce up your image. Go to the hair-dressers, and let them decide what they think will suit you best. Have you ever considered a copper bob, or perhaps a Mohican?
In terms of your makeup, why not try a new range of lipstick – whore red is currently in fashion, as are shades such as coral and hot pink. The best way to ensure that you appear interesting and make a good impression is to look as shocking as possible. 
Try leaving the house in nothing but lingerie and an oversized coat. Dump the old stores, like M & S and upgrade to trendy outfitters such as Primark or Pulse & Cocktail. Wear your love bullet to work, and then switch it on when you’re talking to an attractive colleague. You’re never too old to look desperate and past-it! Take Madonna as a role model in this respect.

All the best,


1 comment:

  1. What's a love bullet? I think I might find one useful if only I knew what it was. Also, where do you find them?
